Thursday, March 6, 2008

Eagle Creek Trail Run

Yesterday I had the chance to go for a run out at the Eagle Creek Trail located just off I-84 at exit 41. You can only access this exit from the East bound lane of I-84. I like to park at the first parking area that is located just as you turn right at the stop sign from the exit. Parking here is best because I think that you have less of a chance of someone breaking into your car while you are gone, something that has happen to others up at the parking area that is near the trail head.

The other good thing about starting at this parking lot is that you get a good warm up before you get to the single track. The single track is incredible but you have to f0cus on what you are doing, lots of rocks and there is some exposure as well, not the best place to bring dogs for this run.

I went out about 4.25 miles out, just after you cross the creek for the second time just a little farther up from the High Bridge and then turned around there and headed back out. This is really a great run, I know that on the weekend there are lots of people here, maybe better to run it during the week if possible and after a rain it can be slick as well.

There had been some slides over the winter but a new bridge was put in and there had been some trail maintenance so everything was looking good.

This the where I turned around and started back...

I was really surprised how much snow was on the trail up high.... Just shows how much snow we have had this year......

Great day up there for sure, looking forward to doing it again soon....

If you need more information:http://http//